Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Little Kickers / Littlest Kickers 2013: Game 3.

The offensive firepower from week 1 took a slight hit tonight, but the cuteness score was as high as ever!

Cohen: no goals, 2 untied shoes, some good chances. 

Callie: no goals, lots of good dancing, and good teamwork. 

Cason: a good meal, and lots of cuddles from Grammy!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Costco Trip with Daddy

Callie says:

Since Cohen and I are really trying to get back into the habit of this blogging thing, I thought I'd try using the app on daddy's phone. I would apologize for the mundane content (like a trip to costco), but this is part of life so might as well share.

Plus, daddy usually lets me get whatever I want when it's just us, so I love to go!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Retro-Blogging (11/30/12): Seeing Santa

Santa 2012
Cohen says: 

I started realizing this year that there are a lot of different Santa's out there. You see them at all the malls, on tv, and even in parades. In case anyone is wondering, these are all Santa's assistants since there is no way he could possibly be available to everyone. Luckily, Callie and I get to see the REAL santa each year. He's just a Polar Express (monorail-style) ride away!

Can't wait to see Santa!
Can't wait to ride the train!

Can't wait for a candy cane!

For our big North Pole Westlake trip this year, our baby cousin Landen, Auntie She-She, and Grammy came with us.  Since this was Landen's first Santa trip, he was pretty excited and nervous, so we had to show him the ropes.
Probably could put this on brochures

Part of the fun each year is that we get to go by the Space Needle, and even though the pictures that Erin and Korey (yup, you heard me) make us pose for are kind of repetitive, I still get excited to see it. It wasn't until just recently that I learned that people can actually go up a space-style elevator to the top of the Space Needle, so that's definitely on the agenda for an upcoming trip.  And if some fine dining accompanies, well, great (Yep, I've definitely been watching Top Chef: Seattle with Korey).

On a side note:
To the owners/operators of the monorail, if you are really looking for a "Polar Express" type feel for your clients, some hot chocolate along the 90 second ride would be superb.  No one said this is what you are going for, but, I'm always looking to help a local business with my brilliant business mind.

Did the Space Needle shrink?

Nope, it's still way up there!

Goofy shot.
Serious shot.

I've gotta say that Santa and his workshop were in top form this year.  While I would credit the short wait times to our weekday appointment, the cookies were warm and extra sugary, and Santa was completely ready for us.  He always remembers our names from the previous year, but I was extra surprised that he knew Landen was coming too!

We told him that I want a lego Batmobile and a Monster Truck, and that Callie wants not one, but TWO (2) blue dresses, and a pink whale.  Daddy tried to bargain for a winning Mariners season in 2013, but I figured that if he wanted to ask Santa, he'd have to pony up and sit on his lap too.  That didn't happen.

Captain Cohen (at the back of the train)
Waiting patiently (kind of)
Landen and Auntie She-She preparing to board
Santa! I know him!
All said, it was a pretty successful trip to see Santa.  Since we're retro-blogging this, I could tell you whether or not we got what we asked for, but I'll leave that suspense for another update.  Would be terrible for business if we gave away all the secrets and didn't keep people coming back!

Goodbye until Christmas
A cookie for the ride home!

Group shot!

Links to previous years:

Santa 2009
Santa 2007

Time to Resurrect the Magic

Cohen says:
Well, 2012 looked like the end of this here blog, however based on recent family happenings, it looks like it's time to give it one more chance to find the old magic.  As you can see from the pictures below, we are pretty much always busy, but for those that aren't in the know, Callie and I are expecting our new baby brother any day now, and we felt it would be irresponsible to not show him to the world the same way we did ourselves!

Starting over the next couple weeks, you can expect to see regular updates from Callie and I (I know, you'll believe it when you see it), as well as some retroblogging, aka, we'll try to post some of the key events from the past year.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Life's a Beach, and Then You Get Ice Cream

L to R: Callie, Baby Landen, Cohen

Callie says: 

Another long break between updates, but figured an evening at the beach is as much of a reason as any to put a new post out there, so here goes!  

G.G. (Grandma-Great, aka Daddy's Grandma) and Grandpa Jerry have been visiting and staying with us for the last few days, and since Auntie She-She (Daddy's baby sister) and cousin Landen came up today too, we decided to find someplace fun to go.  Hence, the trip to Rosario Beach near Deception Pass.  It's just a quick 25 minute drive from our house, but Cohen still managed to fall asleep on the way there, which always creates a "fun" situation when waking him up. 

Contemplative Cohen

 Callie and Grandpa Jerry deep in conversation

 Callie testing the water before diving in

This has become one of our favorite places for a quick picnic, and today didn't dissappoint.  Aside from the 15 minute photo session that mommy and daddy made us sit through, we got to throw rocks, play around on the beach, and even do a little hiking.

Daisy taking Callie for a walk

Auntie She-She and Baby Landen at 8 weeks

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Landen being around. Cohen and all the adults are head over heels about him, but I kind of think he steals some of my much-deserved attention as the previous baby of the family, but overall, he seems like a pretty good kid! 

Time for bed, so I gotta sign off.  Hope everyone enjoys their big Mother's Day weekend! 

 After about 74 posed photos, we got goofy!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Rabbit 2012

Cohen says:

Alright, so I know that we are coming off just about our longest blogging break ever, but, we got dressed up for our return, so hopefully you can't be too upset!

With the Easter holiday coming up, Mommy and Daddy took us to see the Easter Rabbit this week. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what it is that the Easter Rabbit does, and he doesn't even really look like a real rabbit, but...well...I get candy, so I'm fine with it.

Over the last few years, at least one of us hasn't been incredibly happy during this visit, and while there were no actual tears this year, I think Callie's face says it all.

Look for more updates soon. We might have to switch things up to keep it fresh, but we need to do something!